Consulting companies, especially information technology (IT) services firms, are inevitably tasked with helping implement the next big thing. Whether it’s artificial intelligence (AI), the internet of things (IoT) or cloud computing, IT services firms need to have expertise in the latest tech to attract and retain businesses.
But expertise in the next big thing isn’t really the foundation for success for an IT consulting company, or for that matter, any form of high-level services firms, including a tech corporate strategy consultancy like the one I run.
Sure, as a services firm, we need to stay on top of emerging technologies to be able to appropriately position companies and products for clients in a crowded market. But that ability is only part of what makes us valuable to clients. We want to become indispensable by forging partnerships and helping them transform their businesses successfully and drive awareness and growth. In fact, I believe our value comes from our ability to drive transformation and positive outcomes versus just focusing on technology.
Here are a few tips I’ve learned through working with successful consulting services companies and managed service providers (MSPs), as well as running my own consultancy.
Listen carefully.
When I first speak with a client, I often hear, “This is our strategy, and we need you to help execute it.” But once I ask questions about their business goals, competitive differentiations and growth strategies, the conversation often changes. They ask, “What do you think we should do?” Why is this?
Founders and business leaders have a variety of expertise, from technology to financial abilities. As consultants, we provide functional expertise that they may not have, from corporate strategy to digital transformation. We deliver objective opinions and industry best practices. We are unbiased observers and are not stakeholders in the company. Finally, as a consulting firm, we can augment resources, should they need help in executing on a new strategy while employees — managers to engineers — can stay focused on the day-to-day activities.
Listen to your clients’ goals and challenges; keep an open mind, and don’t be afraid to provide solutions they may not have thought of.
Be a thought leader, and have a vision.
This is more about strategy than being able to spot the next big thing. It may be that the latest hot technology doesn’t really suit the client or needs to be combined with another technology to set the foundation for a greater outcome.
Strategy involves carefully assessing what the market needs are, and then aligning the right mix of technologies and service deliverables to fill those needs. Sure, you need some technical expertise, but the first step is to set the strategy and communicate it to your client and the market at large.
Balance strategy with execution.
A company can have a great strategy — let’s say it’s undergoing a digital transformation. But if you can’t break down the lofty digital transformation goals into smaller phases that bring quick payback, your clients will likely be disappointed.
Services companies must be able to both have a vision and execute on it. To look at it another way: As a consultant to small- and midsize enterprises, you must not be an adviser or coach who helps set strategy and then steps away. You must be part of the team that’s executing on the strategy agreed upon, creating change and showing fast results.
Deliver excellent customer service.
Yes, it is a simple tip. But it can be tricky to execute because it is a combination of various skills, from partnership-building to being able to make a client look like a rock star. Services professionals must be adept at understanding concerns, assessing what to give priority to and following through on what is promised.
Most consultants come to the table with certain strengths or technical skills, but you can’t always lead with those or force them onto the client. To deliver great customer service, you need to be willing to tweak your offerings in a way that meets customer needs, while leveraging your strengths. Great collaboration and partnerships ensure that projects remain aligned with a client’s evolving needs.
Build relationships; don’t sell.
An old insider remark among consultants is that one is “on the bench” if not assigned to a project and generating billable hours. Consultants can identify with this remark because services firms need steady revenue, but the flaw in this way of thinking is how inward-focused it is.
The better way to drive steady revenue is to focus on building strong client relationships. You can do this by clear communication around goals, solid project management and fostering team spirit around project successes. Some of the most successful MSPs and human capital management consulting companies that I’ve worked with have had clients for 20-plus years. They do this by relationship-building and guiding clients through successful outcomes, not by selling technology.
Practice what you preach.
If your firm leads digital transformation projects but is slow to respond because it relies on paper-based processes or spreadsheets, that’s not exactly confidence-inspiring. Services professionals need to stay on top of new technologies and leverage them where appropriate within their own workflows, especially when they accelerate the accomplishment of milestones.
Many great consulting companies already know and embody these tips. They drive results based on customer priorities, rather than simply being an “outsourcer” of work previously done in-house. Consulting companies need to be able to combine technologies to serve a business purpose — like blending management of office applications, collaboration software and a knowledge portal to give a client’s workforce better access to information and speed up their work processes.
Consulting firms should continue to gain expertise in emerging technologies and build services practices around them. To excel, make sure you are meeting the clients’ goals and collaborating with them to deliver strong results, fast.