WITI President David Leighton, Advisor Rene Redwood and WITI V.P. Parna Sarkar-Basu rings the NASDAQ closing bell to celebrate WITI’s 30th Anniversary.
WITI to Ring the Nasdaq Stock Market Closing Bell
WHAT: WITI (Women in Technology International), the leading advocate for innovation, inclusivity and STEAM, is celebrating 30 years of supporting and fostering women in technology. Founded by Carolyn Leighton at a time when there were no organizations to support women in technology, WITI is now a powerhouse that women turn to for career enhancement and global support. Companies also rely on WITI to help create a pipeline for women in technology as well as building leaders and inclusive cultures.
WHO: In honor of the occasion, Rene Redwood (Advisor), David Leighton (President) and Parna Sarkar-Basu (V.P.) for WITI will ring the Closing Bell.
WHEN: Friday, Dec. 14, 2018 – 3:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET
WHERE: Nasdaq MarketSite, 4 Times Square, 43rd & Broadway, Broadcast Studio
WEBCAST: A live stream of the Nasdaq Closing Bell will be available at: 
https://new.livestream.com/nasdaq/live or http://www.nasdaq.com/about/marketsitetowervideo.asx
About WITI
Founded in 1989 by Carolyn Leighton, WITI (Women in Technology International) is a leading worldwide authority on women in business and technology. For nearly 30 years, WITI has consistently been a clear voice advocating women’s contributions to the tech industry, inspiring young women to pursue STEM careers and actively working with corporate partners to create a culture of equality. WITI has built a community of more than three million women in technology and men that support them across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia, more than 300 partners, 50 domestic and 13 global networks. WITI delivers to its members leading edge, best practice training consulting tools, programs and platforms designed to increase innovation, competitiveness and revenue. To learn more, please visit witi.com.
Parna Sarkar-Basu